
Naya Lekht is a scholar of contemporary antisemitism and works with the Jewish community to foster pride in the history of the Jewish people and create robust education on the history of antisemitism, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the remarkable history of the Jewish people. She was born in the former Soviet Union and came with her parents to the United States of America in 1989. Naya received her PhD in Russian Literature from UCLA where she wrote her dissertation on Holocaust literature in the Soviet Union.

As a professional Jewish educator, Naya aims to inspire and empower students to not only know the facts but connect ideas so as to be able to see early warning signs of antisemitism. Naya has worked with Jewish youth and college students and has experience building formal and informal educational programming for non-profit organizations, schools, synagogues, and camps.

In addition to her passion for teaching and building curriculum, Naya is a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, Education Editor for White Rose Magazine, and a contributor for the Jewish Journal, The American Spectator, and The American Thinker, and a speaker with the Jewish National Fund. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Global Study of Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), where she develops curriculum for high schools, both Jewish private and public, to address antisemitism. Her research focuses on understanding how to best respond to modern antisemitism by analyzing contemporary antisemitism in the context of historical patterns.

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