Press Kit for Dr. Naya Lekht

What people are saying about Naya Lekht:


“Naya is an exceptional educator and author whose workshops on antisemitism have been engaging and thought-provoking. Her deep understanding of the historical evolution of antisemitism and its contemporary manifestations is truly remarkable. Naya navigates complex topics like the changing facets of antisemitism, the role that Jewish identity plays in helping us combat antisemitism, and the nuances of Israel’s recent conflicts. Her ability to convey these complex concepts in an accessible manner has helped our congregants grasp the complexities of this issue. Naya is extremely easy to work with and flexible, tailoring workshops for our audience and their needs.  We plan on having Naya back for additional workshops, not only for adults, but also for our teens.”

—Sheila Zelinger, Tikvah Task Force, Congregation Beth Jacob, Redwood City, CA


“We brought Naya into our community for a Scholar In Residence weekend last month. She presented three times over the course of her visit; each presentation was a slight variation on her main topic of Jew-Hatred throughout history and how to combat it in current times. Naya was extremely well received by the diverse group in attendance. Her presentation was delivered with personal passion, in a clear and accessible way. Even those who thought they knew a lot on the topic walked away with new understanding and perspective. Our survey following Naya’s program produced overwhelmingly positive responses, with the majority of attendees eager to hear Naya speak again. Naya is an important voice on the subject of antisemitism with a deep understanding of the historical context as well as an arsenal of tools to share to combat the scourge in our daily lives. I encourage everyone to do their part in spreading her message.”

—Beata Abraham, Executive Director Congregation Beth Israel Tamid, Milwaukee, WI  


“Naya’s curriculum for Jewish educational non-profits proved so intellectually compelling that I invited Dr. Lekht to lecture my own advanced undergraduate course, “the Politics of Antisemitism” at Kalamazoo College last spring.  There, via Zoom, she took on controversies surrounding anti-Zionism as an expression of antisemitism.  Her manner was at once so accessible, intellectually honest, and compelling that the entire class stayed engaged for over an hour online.  Throughout the remainder of the course, students returned to the lesson she offered, and I subsequently suggested her to other colleagues from campuses throughout the country.  They were no less impressed.   Dr. Lekht has been a true leader: stellar curricular planning originated with her, and the best implementation and results have been realized by her.”  

 —Amy Elman, Professor of Political Science and Weber Professor of Social Science, Kalamazoo College.


“Naya teaches the Arab-Israeli conflict differently and more powerfully than anyone else. She challenges her students to think outside the box and to prove their points with reasoning. She encourages debate so students develop strong foundations and understanding of why they hold specific beliefs and why they care about Israel and the Jewish people. Naya is the best teacher I’ve ever had. Because of her, I know who I am as a Jew, and I can communicate it to others.”

—Joey Karlan, UC Berkeley ‘27 


“Being able to help someone learn something and learn about Jewish identity, history, to debate is a talent! We are so lucky that our daughter was Naya’s student for many years. We see results in nowadays where Jewish students all over US feel threatened and scared. Maya remains a proud Jew and debates at school very politely but sharply, exactly the way Naya taught her! With Naya’s guidance, our daughter has developed into a confident and capable teenager. We don’t have enough words to appreciate Naya Lekht! We won big time having Naya as Maya’s teacher!”

—Alex & Emma Kaushansky, parents


“Naya combines warmth and wisdom as she educates and empowers the next Jewish generation. My 9th and 12th graders had the privilege of learning Jewish history, values, and ethics from Naya. This has strengthened their Jewish pride and moral compass. She leaves her audience enlightened and wanting to learn more.”

—Diana Blum, parent


“Naya Lekht is a compelling speaker about how to strengthen Jewish and Zionist pride in Jewish youth through education. And she offers solutions for how to free school youth from woke ideology. Her analyses are sharp as a knife and her heart is brave, and full of compassion. Her voice is indispensable in our time.”

—Evelyn Markus, co-host “Never Again Is Now” podcast


“Dr. Naya Lekht was a very big hit with our college students and young professionals. Living through this sensitive time our students felt helpless. She was able to guide them on a journey of facts and to introduce a wealth of knowledge on the subject of the modern state of Israel, as well as the history and the current conflict. She was professional and the students requested to have her back!”

—Rebecca Salman, Program Director, RAJE NY


“Many teachers inform; she inquires. Many teachers speak, she listens. Many teachers lecture, she educates. The hallmark of being not a good teacher but a superb one lies in the ability to  connect with their students: to bridge the gap, meet them where they are and educate from what they can grasp. Good teachers – rather, outstanding teachers — are measured by their ability to connect, to relate; to light the flame in the hearts of their pupils; to find the little spark untouched and say “hey, let’s work with you”, to inform, to inspire. Quality teaching only begins with the subject; it ends with the students. A great teacher is able to relay not events but ideas; not answers but more questions; not timelines but direction. Dr. Naya Lekht has all of these qualities. It has been more than a privilege to be taught by someone who sees so much – and conveys it so simply. I am only one of many students who feels this way; though you need not ask any more – they will only say the same thing”

—Jennifer Karlan, Harvard class of ‘26


“When I sat in a room of adults for a presentation by Naya on why it was essential for my child to learn about Zionism, I wanted to become a student myself! Her passion, her vibe, her ability to articulate what was happening on college campuses 3 years ago is basically what we are all looking at now! So while people are shocked, I’m not and neither were my kids! They were prepared!  They had the history- the words- the ability to debate and shut down empty rhetoric. Naya posts on social media, her papers are published, her quotes are re-tweeted. Every single time I see anything with Naya’s name, I stop, I read, I give thanks that my kids had this opportunity to learn from someone who is so informed, so passionate, so able to teach!!! All that, and she shared it with them! Now I have two kids who are such proud Zionists! They can take on the world.”

—Chantal Rubin, parent


“Naya is a deep well of knowledge and is a heart on two feet! About Zionism you could say Naya knows it all but in a lot of ways, you could also say there’s a lot of people like that, but she knows how to talk to your heart as well. Naya knows how to speak to teach each and everyone one of us to make us understand Zionism, being Jewish, having each other‘s back, using our antennas, challenging us. Naya taught my daughter, my teenager who at first refused to learn anything, now she is a vibrant, devoted, courageous Zionist defender of Israel. She made her understand where she comes from ,why the world can be like this today! Things that parents cannot do alone. Teenagers relate to her, she’s always available for them, and she truly loves them. They know it and they can feel it and parents do too! As I am myself a Sephardic Jew from Europe who grew up with antisemitism, your children, your teenagers need people like Naya in their lives. The Jews and the world need more people like Naya Lekht.”

—Karin Newman, parent


“My son studied Judaism and Zionism under Naya’s instruction for a few years. Naya’s insight, knowledge, analysis, and ability to deliver complicated material always resonated with students. I see my son armed with this knowledge against uneducated anti-Semitic attacks at college. Naya has always been an inspiring mentor and a supportive teacher.”

—Sasha Kaminsky, parent


“Naya Lekht’s presentation on antisemitism today was nothing short of extraordinary. Her depth of knowledge, engaging delivery, and adeptness at making complex topics accessible to our middle school audience were truly commendable. Naya’s session ranks among the most important workshops we’ve hosted, leaving a lasting impact on our students. Her ability to navigate sensitivity, foster discussion, and inspire responsibility showcases her unique talent. I wholeheartedly recommend Naya as a speaker who not only educates but empowers audiences to stand up and combat antisemitism. A truly invaluable experience for our school community.”

—Michele Andron, General Studies Principal, Emek Hebrew Academy


“Naya is the most impactful teacher I have ever had the pleasure to learn from. I have never had a teacher who is more invested in their students- putting her heart into every lesson and showing up for all of us even outside the classroom. The identifying factor making Naya so special is the fact that she is a critical thinker and gets her students to do so as well. She pushes us out of our own comfort zones to investigate our preconceived notions, mainstream thought, and herd mentality in the classroom (which can be difficult and is the reason she had made a mark on me). In our lessons, Naya encourages us to ask her questions- but not only that, she will ask US questions demanding to go below the surface level. Naya has transformed me as a student and person.”

—Shaya Keyvanfar, UC Berkeley Class of ‘27

Media Bios for Naya Lekht


Brief Byline

Naya Lekht is a gifted educator who inspires students and leaders of all ages and faiths to pursue and defend truth.  She teaches, writes, and speaks on antisemitism and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Naya is currently a Research Fellow for the Institute for the Studies of Global Antisemitism & Policy (ISGAP) and a columnist for the Jerusalem Post.


Speaker Bio

Dr. Naya Lekht brings her passion for education and empowering Jewish identity to the big stage. With over 20 years experience teaching at the collegiate and high school level, Naya works with students of all ages to empower and inspire them to become knowledgeable, confident and articulate Jews. A regular guest on podcasts, panels, and television segments, Naya adapts her expertise to each audience to ensure that her message will resonate. She works closely with schools, synagogues, and nonprofits to guarantee her training programs address effective methods for confronting antisemitism and meet the needs of each unique community.


Extended Bio

Naya Lekht is a scholar of contemporary antisemitism and works with the Jewish community to foster pride in the history of the Jewish people and create robust education on the history of antisemitism, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the remarkable history of the Jewish people. She was born in the former Soviet Union and came with her parents to the United States of America in 1989. Naya received her PhD in Russian Literature from UCLA where she wrote her dissertation on Holocaust literature in the Soviet Union.

As a professional Jewish educator, Naya aims to inspire and empower students to not only know the facts but connect ideas so as to be able to see early warning signs of antisemitism. Naya has worked with Jewish youth and college students and hasexperience building formal and informal educational programming for non-profit organizations, schools, synagogues, and camps.

In addition to her passion for teaching and building curriculum, Naya is a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, Education Editor for White Rose Magazine, and a contributor for the Jewish Journal, The American Spectator, and The American Thinker, and a speaker with the Jewish National Fund. She is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for the Global Study of Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), where she develops curriculum for high schools, both Jewish private and public, to address antisemitism. Herresearch focuses on understanding how to best respond to modern antisemitism by analyzing contemporary antisemitism in the context of historical patterns.


Headshots for Naya Lekht


Reverse square headshot

Booking information

For Media Inquiries and Speaking availability:


Or you may contact Naya Lekht directly here.

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